Monday, April 23, 2012

PS-Deja Vu

My first item of business this morning was to go to the American Embassy. I wanted to 'register' my presence in Kenya (re: safety), I wanted contact with Americans, and I wanted to get leads on places in Nairobi to buy American items and food.  Most of the taxi ride from the guesthouse where I am staying to the American Embassy was along curvy streets that follow terrain of large tree-filled gullies. I commented to the driver that this was very reminiscent of "Rock Creek Parkway" in Washington DC. Then I got teary-eyed and sentimental as I thought about how I was now heading to the American Embassy, but that if I were in DC, on Rock Creek Parkway, I'd be heading to "Embassy Row", the section of Massachusetts Avenue where we would exit from the parkway.   

Once at the Embassy, I was surprised at the strength of my emotions; I choked up as I thought about how I was once again "standing on American soil" (at least, that's my understanding of Embassy legalities). I'd been away from "my" country for almost 4 months, which is only a part of my year away, but it is longer than I'd ever been out of the country before. I was graciously seen by "Jennifer", who was very helpful with specific leads for Nairobi as well as the coast.  It was, indeed, a renewing day, "feasting" on western civilization!

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